General information about our center is listed below:

Our Research Center has strategic and material importance, starting from engineering structures which have mostly special design, can be spread to all existing and new building stock, design, structural situation assessment, damage detection, post-damage forensic works, wind snow wave tsunami earthquake, special, high, Infrastructure, tunnel, bridge, dam, deep excavation, historical evaluation for structures, hydromechanics, hydrology, machine vibration, acoustics, caves and geological formations, one-piece lifting - transportation, new application design construction methods development, comprehensive and rapid structural researching health monitoring systems, developing and testing different and new techniques and materials, testing, implementation, certification, continuing education, production and marketing stages

In addition to training of graduate and doctorate students, they will be able to organize technical courses and give certificates within the scope of continuing education.

The strategic importance of large structures (eg Bosporus bridges, Turkey viaduct on the main transport arteries, old bridges, dams, ports, airports, tunnels, towers, high-speed railway lines, dams, infrastructure, tunnels, water and underwater structures, etc. measurement and monitoring of m structural health lar situations of important structures. Establishment of an alarm system that will inform you in case of weakness criteria. To make an effective and rapid evaluation of automatic assessment and damage detection by electronic methods.

Monitoring of the structural parameters of private and high buildings (eg large and multi-storey business centers, state buildings, large hotels, skyscrapers, towers, mosques, concert halls, historical buildings, etc.). Seat, crush cracking of column beams and the determination of similar situations.

The determination of the earthquake resistance of the buildings, many modern and historical buildings in our country are projected to the earthquake, the suitability of the current situation of ground and water interaction is not known whether it is constructed correctly. The center that will be established will work in cooperation with METU - Earthquake Research Center and will establish the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary synergistic and systematic mechanisms to meet the needs of our country.

It will work on the development of new structural health monitoring and non-destructive measuring devices and systems, and will contact with Teknokent and conduct studies to obtain the patent of the developed systems. The production of new sensors and technologies will encourage the increase of sales to domestic and foreign user companies / institutions.

A) project work to be carried out within the scope of the aforementioned study sites, b) control and approval of structural monitoring projects, c) continuous training courses, d) experiment and consultation activities, will cover the financial support and expenditures of the center. Income obtained, support of central administrative personnel, development and acquisition of new equipment, improvement of the infrastructure of the center (computers, test instruments, new lab building, etc.), publication of books, journals, annual reports, etc., collaborations with institutions and persons working in the world the establishment of the developed techniques will be used for expenditure for implementation in Turkey.

Last Updated:
13/12/2018 - 10:47